(Re)claiming my space

It took me until I was 32 years old to claim that I was a writer.

I did not have any formal training or academic history as a writer. I did not have published essays or poems. I didn’t even have friends or family members who were writers.

And not only that, I rarely saw writers who looked like me.

Who was I to be a writer?


From the time I could make out the alphabet, I’ve had my head in a book. From the time I discovered libraries, book shops and audiobooks, I’ve been inhaling books, reading multiple books in very short time spans. From the time I could write, I was making up stories, journaling about my life, and writing about my ideas.

From the time I knew books and words existed, my life has been about them.


From a little girl to a grown woman, I’ve progressed from picture books, to Nancy Drew and Sweet Valley High chapter books, to afro-futurist science fiction, cultural commentary, and change-making memoirs and manifestos. 

Four years after claiming my space as a writer, I wrote my own first book.

It went on to be an instant New York Times bestseller, and really cemented for me that this passion and skill I have for writing is what I’m here to contribute to the world, first and foremost.

Which is why I so enjoy writing these weekly letters

It’s a chance for me to do what I love most: thinking about ideas that inspire or challenge me, and sharing them with you, my newsletter community. In a way that I hope adds something helpful and nourishing to your week, and to your work as a changemaker.

Every time I receive an email back from you, my heart bursts with gratitude. It is no small thing to be thanked and appreciated for the thing you love to do the most.

I have been exploring what it would look like to take my work as a writer more seriously.

Not only as an author of books, but as a writer of thought-work and thought-leadership.

And not only that, but what does it look like to cultivate intentional and joyful community around that work? A place where people can be fortified by the things they read. Be in conversation with myself and each other over ideas and experiences. And laugh and learn together with other good ancestor guest speakers.

Which is why I’ve decided to make an important and exciting shift in the coming weeks…

I will be (re)launching my Patreon page!

Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for creators to get paid. It’s a place for creators to build memberships by providing exclusive access to their work and a deeper connection with their communities.

In the past, my Patreon page was a place where people could support the podcast and also be a part of our book club. I made the decision to close the Patreon page at the end of last year so that I could focus on other offerings. 

Choosing to close the Patreon page was one of the toughest decisions I’ve made in the past year as a business owner.

I started my Patreon page 6 years ago because I needed a safe space to share my thoughts and feelings as a new antiracism writer. It grew and evolved to be a place where I hosted podcast episodes, book club discussions, community calls, and author events.

The decision to close the Patreon page last year was the right one for where I was at that time. I needed to do less things so that I could do the things I was doing with more intention. Writing this weekly letter has been an important part of that.

As the months have passed and I’ve realised just how much joy I get from writing this letter, I’m also realising the importance of honouring my time and energy as a writer.

As we see movie and TV writers of the Writers Guild of America striking about compensation, and many independent writers (especially writers of colour seeking safe space) moving their writing to sites like Substack, it’s an important reminder that as much as we may love our work (and would do it for free if not for capitalism!), that we still need to make sure that we get paid for our intellectual and creative labour.

An important part of not burning out as professional changemakers is making sure we are taking care of our needs, as we serve others.

This is sustainable change-making.

Moving the majority of my writing to Patreon will allow me to create greater financial stability for myself as a writer. And it will also give me and those who enjoy my writing a way to be in a deeper relationship of mutuality and reciprocity.

Patreon was the first place I claimed my space as a writer. Which is why it makes sense for me to reclaim my space there once again.

So, what does that mean for the future of my writing and this newsletter?

🌼 Well, firstly, I’ll still continue to send a weekly-ish newsletter. 

Keeping this connection with you is really important to me. The fact that you’ve given your yes to being on this mailing list (and reading my long, sometimes rambling, letters :)) means so much to me. 

The form of these letters will look a little different. They will be shorter, and more an extract or excerpt of what I’ll be publishing to Patreon, as well as resources and recommendations. Once a month I’ll be emailing you a longer-form email.

🌼 Secondly, I’ll be moving most of my weekly long-form writing over to Patreon.

I’ll make sure to send you a link to these longer-form writings with each newsletter in case you’d like to join us there. I’m excited about the opportunity to really go more in depth with my writing through this platform - offering ideas, frameworks, resources, and tools for cultivating justice and healing.

Moving my long-form writing to Patreon significantly expands my capacity to write more deeply about antiracist change-making, justice, healing, and good ancestorship.

🌼 And thirdly, I’ll also be hosting periodic Good Ancestor Get-Togethers with fellow social justice and healing changemakers, authors, activists, influencers, and thought-workers.

Think: live podcast interviews meet private author event Q&A’s.

Hosted via Zoom, this will be a cosy and inspiring get together to help you refill your changemaker cup. These events and their captioned recordings will only be available for patrons.

From time to time I’ll also share bonuses like behind the scenes content, mini private podcast recordings, discussion posts, and more. I am so excited to open this space up for us!

How much will membership tiers cost?

I’ve decided to make things super simple when it comes to tiers and membership. There will only be two tiers - both of which get the same content.

The two tiers will be priced at $7 and $17 per month, with annual plans (and an associated discount) available. The higher tier of $17 is available for anybody who can and wants to pledge more. The content and access is the same whichever tier you choose to pledge at.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, I hope you’ll join me!

I’ll be re-launching the Patreon page next week, Monday 15th May.

If you’ve enjoyed reading my weekly letters and have found benefit in them, I hope you’ll consider supporting my work as a patron. 

Lastly, I just want to say thank you so much for all the ways that you have supported me in the past and present. I never take it for granted.

If it is aligned and available for you, I hope you’ll join me as I move forward with this new chapter.

With endless gratitude,


P.S. If you’d like to get these Layla’s Letters straight to your inbox, subscribe here.


How to avoid apathy and saviourism in social change work